The Mission of First Baptist Church
We desire to love God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbor. We are on mission to go and make disciples.
Our History

The First Baptist Church of Hartland, Maine was founded in 1847 and has been a continual source of encouragement and spiritual instruction to the people of this area. The goal of our
church is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ both at home and abroad through evangelism and worldwide mission.
The members of our church are dedicated to showing the love of Christ to one another and to those in our community. Our desire is to minister to the needs of the entire family.
Founded in 1980, Hartland Christian School is dedicated to training students with academic excellence and the basics of Christian living.
We Believe

…the Holy Scriptures to be the inspired Word of God, our only rule of faith and practice.
…in the creation of man by God’s direct act, and his fall through sin, resulting in spiritual death.
…in the incarnation, virgin birth, and deity of Jesus Christ as the true Son of God.
…in the atonement of Jesus Christ for the sins of mankind through the shedding of His blood on the cross.
…in the bodily resurrection, glorious ascension, and imminent return of Jesus Christ.
…in the salvation of man by grace through faith and not of works.
…that the local church is the divinely instituted organism for the spread of the gospel and the defense of the faith